Butzel Long donation to Salvation Army will provide more than 2,300 meals to Metro Detroiters in need


DETROIT, Mich. – Southeast Michigan food pantries face a daily challenge to provide nutritious food to families in need, which has been heightened by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Butzel Long law firm is helping by donating $2,500 to the Salvation Army Eastern Michigan Division. The donation through the Butzel Long Charitable Trust will provide 2,336 meals to families struggling with food insecurity, feeding many families for several days.

Notably, last month, Butzel Long also made a financial donation to Gleaners to help metro Detroit neighbors in need. Butzel Long continues to look for and implement ways to help those most in need during these unprecedented times.  

Throughout the year, Butzel Long supports many local organizations, charities, and community activities in an effort to give back to the City that it has been located in for more than 160 years. The Butzel Long Charitable Trust believes that if you change one life, you can change the world. And Butzel Long continues to try to reach those it can most directly help.   

“Metro Detroit has been severely impacted by the current health and economic crises,” said Paul M. Mersino, attorney and shareholder at Butzel Long and Trustee of its Charitable Trust. “Families depend on local food pantries. It is important to support our community and the good work of organizations like the Salvation Army and Gleaners.  Butzel Long will continue to find ways to help our neighbors in need.” 

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